Skills & Competencies You Need For A Career In HR

Interested in a career in human resources (HR)? Want to know more about the skills and competencies you need?
HR professionals are in charge of maintaining the welfare of the workforce and must possess the right skills and competencies. Here are some valuable insights on the relevant skill set in demand in the HR industry.
To get ahead in HR, you need to display the following soft skills:

Decisive thinker- Able to analyse information quickly and use it to make robust decisions.
Skilled in conflict management- Able to hear both sides and resolve issues in an appropriate manner in the best interest of the workforce an the organisation.
Collaborative- Able to work well with a range of people both within and outside of the organisation.
Driven to deliver- Focused on delivering the best possible results for the organisation, and shows determination, resourcefulness and a sense of purpose in achieving company goals.
Courage to challenge- Has the courage and confidence to speak up and will challenge others even when met with resistance or unfamiliar circumstances.
Role model- Leads by example.
Curious- An inquisitive, open-minded individual, who seeks out new ways to support the development of the organisation.

What areas of work will you master in a graduate career in HR?
We have identified eight main areas of work:
Service delivery and information- Managing HR information professionally.
Organisation design- Managing structural change and ensuring the organisation is appropriately designed.
Organisation development- Ensuring the organisation’s workforce, culture, values and work environment will enable the company to meet its goals and perform well in the future.
Recruitment and talent management- Making sure the organisation attracts people who will give it an edge. This includes retaining and managing the right talent to meet short and long-term ambitions.
Training and development- Making sure that people at all levels of the organisation have the skills needed to contribute to the organisation’s success, and that they are motivated to grow and learn.
Performance and reward- Ensuring reward systems – principally pay and benefits – are fair and cost-effective and critical skills, experience and performances are rewarded.
Employee engagement- Supporting employees in maintaining a positive connection with their work, colleagues and the broader organisation, with a particular focus on good relationships between staff and their line managers.
Employee relations- Managing the relationship between the organisation and staff within a clear and appropriate framework.